National Register of “Requests for Public Information”
One hundred ninety public institutions use the system to answer citizens "Request for Information" based on
Law 119/2014 "On the Right to Information".
"Smart Processes" LLC was responsible for the following:
Analyzing the way of service delivery in the absence of an electronic system.
Conceive the way of delivering services to citizens electronically.
Creating the Electronic Registry of Requests and Responses on the Right to Information.
Evaluate the hardware and software infrastructure of the institutions.
Implement the system in the public institutions; independent, central, and local government bodies.
Train the coordinators for the right to information on the new procedure for handling requests.
Assist the coordinators with the right to information on using the system.
The main benefits of the Electronic Registry of Requests and Responses " On the Right to Information" system
Facilitate the access of any subject interested in obtaining and receiving information of public character quickly and with reduced cost.
Increase the transparency and effectiveness of monitoring public institutions to guarantee the right to information.
Increase the quality of service to the citizen by offering the possibility to search public information online.
Trace the information request across all stages through which it passes, as well as the ability to alert the applicant to take the necessary measures if the request is unclear or to complain in those cases when the deadlines for returning the response are completed.
Avoid state bureaucracies and provide a direct communication channel with the responsible person within public institutions on transparency issues, such as the coordinator.
"The Registry of Requests and Responses" has been established with the Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 145, dated 13.3.2018, to facilitate the fulfillment of the provisions of Law 119/2014 "On the Right to Information". This system promotes the principle of open government through innovative, intelligent processes.
Client: Data Protection Commissioner