Management System: Distribution of Bank Cards
Smart Processes executed the development and implementation of Bank Card & Pin Management Software, serving as an efficient tool for....
Client: Alpha Bank
e-Learning Platform
Smart Processes has been awarded by Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation, Bashki te Forta (BtF) Project the mandate to propose a friendly e-learning platform (including related costs) for the....
Client: Save the Children
Knowledge Portal
The “Knowledge Portal” website contains concepts, training guides and manuals, analyzes and factsheets with different topics that are useful for teachers, parents and students....
Client: Save the Children
Web Portal, App: Special Kids
The “Special Kids” application aims to inform, raise awareness and encourage these children with different abilities towards healthy behaviors through ....
Client: Save the Children
Web Portal, App: Step For Health
The “Step For Health” application was created for children aged 6 to 16 and aims to motivate and encourage children to be as active as possible in their daily.....
Client: Save the Children
Web Portal, App: Hygiene
The “Hygiene” application aims to inform children well about personal hygiene, which is important to prevent and reduce the rate of transmission of .....
Client: Save the Children
Web Portal, App: Post My Food
The “Post My Food” application was created for children aged between 6 and 16 and aims to inform and raise awareness of all children about...
Client: Save the Children
Web Portal, App: No To Sugar
The “No To Sugar” application was created for children aged 6 to 16 and aims to inform children about the negative effects that sugar has on our health ....
Client: Save the Children
Web Portal: Schools for Health
The aim of the “Shkollat për Shëndetin” Project is to promote healthy behavioral practices and healthy lifestyle habits....
Client: Save the Children
Municipal Performance Monitoring
“Smart Processes” LLC has provided consultancy services, for setting up integrated performance monitoring systems, in 30 assigned Municipalities. The assistance was provided through coaching and hands-on entirely for all selected municipalities. As part of this contract, “Smart Processes”....
Client: Bashki te Forta Programme (BtF) & Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation (HSI)Â
Outline management model in preschool education
Recently, municipalities have been exercising a new function in managing preschool education. Article 23 of law 139/2015, “On local self-government,”...
Client: Bashki te Forta Programme (BtF) & Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation (HSI)Â
Web Portal: Management of Statistical Data and BI for Children
UNICEF in Albania has provided technical support to the State Agency on the Rights and Protection of the Child (SACRP) to define the content of DCM 636, based on the assessment of the previous Decision (DCM)....
Client: United Nation Children Fund's (UNICEF)
Grant Management System
This project started in October 2019 in collaboration between “Smart Processes” and “LëvizAlbania” organization as a need for a new management system for...
Client: Granting Organization
Tax and Fee Management Software
The local tax and tariff system aim to adapt the functionality of the program to enhance the quality of service through increased transparency, time, and reduced service cost, as well...
Type of client: Municipal