Web Portal: Schools for Health
The aim of the “Shkollat për Shëndetin” Project is to promote healthy behavioral practices and healthy lifestyle habits in the Albanian population, with a particular focus on schoolchildren (aged 6-16 years) to control and prevent the significant risk factors for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and other health emergencies including COVID-19 effectively.
“Smart Processes” LLC company has provided a range of services in line with the following specific objectives:
Increase the skills and knowledge of schoolchildren (6-16 years old) for effective prevention of behavioral risk factors for NCDs and coping with health emergencies such as COVID-19 through digital tools (online applications), training, and capacity building of teachers and other relevant school staff.
Strengthen the role of teachers, school doctors, and school directors on health promotion issues with the help of digital tools (online applications).
Increase the awareness and raise the capacities of school staff on healthy behaviors, proper hygienic measures, and safe environment practices through online training and capacity-building activities.
Strengthen school capacities regarding children’s health promotion engagement.
Develop and optimize applications targeting children with special needs and those pertinent to vulnerable and marginalized population categories.
Deliver digital health messaging by implementing a social media communication strategy.
Enrich and optimize the e-learning platform that will enable the development of courses for teachers.
Collaborate with representatives at the national and local levels to deliver e-education sessions to school staff.
Enrich and optimize digital monitoring and evaluation tools to enable reporting of the various activities that will be conducted in the project context.
Deliver digital messaging for emergency cases regarding the health of schoolchildren, teachers, and parents.
Administer the School Health Index (SHI) survey as a valuable tool for continuous quality improvement.
Enable supportive environments in class and school as an institution by ensuring continuous quality
The services have been provided at the national level.
Client: Save the Children
Website: Schools For Health