Online System for Managing Contracts
Managing the valuable information in the agreements is a very challenging process. Also, the manual contract management process proves to be....
Type of customer: Municipalities
Air Pollution Monitoring
The project's primary goal is to change the behavior of the young population in Italy and Albania towards more sustainable lifestyles resulting in diminished pressure on....
Client: Save the Children
Municipal Performance Monitoring
“Smart Processes” LLC has provided consultancy services, for setting up integrated performance monitoring systems, in 30 assigned Municipalities. The assistance was provided through coaching and hands-on....
Client: Bashki te Forta Programme (BtF) & Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation (HSI)
Outline management model in preschool education
Recently, municipalities have been exercising a new function in managing preschool education. Article 23 of law...
Client: Bashki te Forta Programme (BtF) & Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation (HSI)
Grant Management System
This project started in October 2019 in collaboration between “Smart Processes” and “LëvizAlbania” organization as a need for a new management system for grants and an accounting system in the framework of the development of the activity....
Client: Granting Organization