Outline management model in preschool education

Recently, municipalities have been exercising a new function in managing preschool education. Article 23 of law 139/2015, “On local self-government,” specifies, “Municipalities are responsible within their jurisdictions for administering and regulating the preschool education system in nurseries and kindergartens.” This provision obligates municipalities to be responsible for service delivery planning and monitoring. In follow-up, “Bashki te Forta Programme (BtF)” has mandated the consortium to provide consultancy services for Managing Pre-School Education from 06.02.2019 to 03.09.2019.

The key achievements of the work for the consultancy service were:

The project's first phase focused on identifying and collecting all the legal databases related to preschool education, including; laws, DCMs, Guidelines, Orders, etc. The research work followed the process map scheme prepared by the international expertise of ZHAW, which is designed as a process chain of three business processes. We have also identified and collected all the standards related to preschool education as part of phase I implementation. 

Our work has also consisted of the identification and documentation of the internal management model for process level in six LSGU. The Internal Management model outlines the working processes, roles, responsibilities, and activities of the Municipality regarding the preschool education function. The scope of analysis was to evaluate currently performed roles and responsibilities and provide a basis for identifying required structural changes. Also, the Internal Management model assesses which institutions and institutional linkages are critical to successful preschool service delivery. These work results have contributed to the project outcome: Municipality Administrations perform their functions in improving the delivery of selected services and promoting citizen involvement.  

The diagnosis of the service was based on the collection of data from a research questionnaire that targeted municipalities and their administrative units, public kindergartens, and the Local Office of Pre-University Education. The diagnosis aimed to identify the current state of service delivery of kindergartens in the forecasting and planning of service, infrastructure, human resources, social aspects, etc. The strengths and weaknesses of each municipality in the provision of the service were identified from the service's diagnosis. With weaknesses and gaps identified, we worked on the service improvement plan.

The service improvement plan focuses on the municipality's problems and proposes solutions to improve the service. The program consists of more than 30 detailed projects, and each project analyzes the need for implementation, suggested activities, objectives, responsible actors, and budget. The municipal council has approved the plan in at least four municipalities. We have also proposed an Economic Model for financing service improvement projects by offering a temporary tax on preschool education. We have also trained the administration and municipal council representatives to provide feedback and consult the Service Improvement Plans with the public.

The Standard Procedure for the provision of Preschool Education Service aims to clearly define the steps for the condition of the service in kindergartens based on the legal acts and the procedures followed by each municipality. The PSV for preschool education was created to specifically instruct employees in responsibility, work instructions, specific requirements, and required data. They describe the procedures that must be followed to establish compliance with other statutory and legislative principles or rules. The development and use of the SOP will provide detailed instructions on how each employee should perform a specific task correctly each time they repeat it. The benefits of the SOP are summarized as follows:

The drafted regulation aims to supplement the regulatory framework for the administration and law of the preschool education system in kindergartens, defined by the legislation in force and the Service Improvement Plan of each municipality, the education and treatment of children.

Client: Bashki te Forta Programme (BtF) & Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation (HSI)